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800px-CherriesThere are many health benefits to cherries because of their powerful antioxidant know as Anthocynanins. “As antioxidants, they protect the cells of the body from the damaging, aging and disease producing affects of oxygen, nitrogen and UV radiation” (  Anthocynanins are natural pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. Alos, cherries contain melatonin, which is another natural pain reliever.  “Melatonin also helps to regulate sleep cycles and has been sold as a natural sleep aid” ( In addition, cherries contain vitamin C, fiber and natural abilities to reduce bad cholesterol.

For more information check out:

Avoid Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is the same thing as Aspirin.  Aspirin is used as an anit-inflamitory drug (mainly foor fever relief, muscle soreness etc).   

Salicylic Acid is a key ingredient in major skin-care products. It helps maintain skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, calluses, corns, keratosis pilaris and warts.  Salicylic Acid may help skin but it has many downsides.  

Too much intake or use of Salicylic Acid can lead to hearing loss, salicylate intoxication, increased skin sensitivity, etc.

If you use aspirin as a pain reliever, it would be a good idea to replace with Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Read labels and instructions before intake. 

If you use a skin-care product that contains Salicylic Acid, try replacing it with another ingrediant that helps acne.  It pretty much does the same thing, only it has less noted health warnings.

For more reading check out this website


Summer Trends to Lengthen the Legs

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Glow Sheers Liquid Foundation Review

Neutrogena generally has some fairly spiffy skincare products. However, I did not like the Neutrogena Healthy Skin Glow Sheers Liquid was not impressive to say the least. This week I read Ricebunny’s foundation review (and watched, i guess) and she seemed to have the same opinion I did. 


I was really looking forward to this foundation. The packaging looks very high end and I am a big fan of Neutrogena’s healthy skin line.  If you are a fan of the greaseball look, this foundation is for you. They threw in glitter in this product, that accentuates the pores and fine lines. Coverage is sheer but blending is horrible. It’s incredibly streaky and the foundation looks yellow under sunlight I do not recommend this foundation at all. You are better off with Almay if you want that sheer look (


I pretty much have the same opinion. My pores looked huge, was not good for blending, hard to match my skin-tone… etc. I hated the streakiness, I appeared slightly sick with the yellowishness. I don’t like it. It doesn’t fulfill the proper task of what foundation is meant for. I had to go on skin rehab… lets just leave it at that. 

Better luck next time, Neutrogena! (However, I love their lip gloss!)


The Acai Berry


The Acai Berry has received lots of publicity since the adds appearing on google have sprung up like hot-cakes.   This berry is considered relatively a new thing in the States. Food scientists claim it to be the most antioxidant packed fruit.  Acai Berry power exceeds the blueberry in nutrition without a doubt.  Whenever I feel short of antioxidants I like to guzzle down some Acai Berry juice.  It is kinda hard to find Acai Berry at your everyday supermarket. For more reading check out this article

In addition, when I did some research some websites warn about the Acai seed:

The Acai berry is 90% seed, with only 10% of the berry edible. In the Amazon Rainforest, they eat the skin and pulp of the Acai berry and discard the seed. All the research and nutritional information we discuss above is based on just the Acai berry skin and pulp. When you hear Dr. Perricone, Dr. Oz and every other expert discuss the amazing nutritional profile of the Acai berry – they are talking about just the skin and pulp. Companies that make legitimate Acai products of course use only the Acai skin and pulp. These companies have come up with creative uses for the Acai seed – they make Acai necklaces and even burn the seeds as a renewable energy source. The one thing that no legitimate Acai supplier would ever do is crush the Acai seeds and sell them as juice or supplement.Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a number of companies are selling Acai products that contain the Acai seed. These products therefore contain 90% less Acai (as defined by the edible portion) than Acai products that use only the skin and pulp. Consumers that ingest Acai seed products are consuming a product that has been the subject of very little research and in no way reflects how the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest have enjoyed Acai for thousands of years. Our recommendation – steer clear of any product that is made with the Acai seed! (

As an added note, do not fall for the weight loss Acai Berry Scam.  Too much of Acai Berry (or anything for that matter) can destroy your liver!  If you flush out toxins with a slower, more healthier way you’ll be more likely to keep the weight off.


Sally Hanson’s Creme Hair Remover

41ctg5unyl_sl500_aa280_I loathe this product! It It is absolutely awful. First of all, It is a chemical that you put near your mouth, and it basically fries you hair.  The idea of hair remover creme just sort of makes me weary.  For all we know, it could cause cancer.  This product hasn’t been on the market that long… maybe I’m just paranoid. Secondly, um, it did not do nice things to the skin. The product feels funny, slightly irritating and if you don’t keep it on long enough, it does not disintegrate all of the hairs.  Do you know how annoying that is? Well, you can’t reapply this special creme until after 24 hours of the first application.  If you don’t then the product will break up the skin. Thirdly, it can make it look like you’re a teenage guy just learning how to shave.  Waxing is a lot more effective, ladies.  


Take it from somebody with personal experience folks! If you try this product then be responsible and read all of the directions.  


My Top 3 Favorite Beauty Products

There are pretty much a 1,000,000,001 beauty products out there.  Which ones seem to work best? Every chick seems to have her favorites and a few beauty tricks up her sleeve.  My 3 personal favorites are Petroleum Jelly, Olive Oil and Baking Soda

Petroleum Jelly: Some people have problems when it come to Petroleum Jelly… “its just like wearing anti-freeze” or “its not safe…” Well, I love this stuff.  There has not been any studies, that at least I’m aware of, that have shown that Petroleum Jelly is harmful.  My grandma and great grandma both used Petroleum Jelly.  It was affordable, fixed cracked feet…etc.  My great grandmother used Ponds cold creme to remove her make-up instead of washing her face.  She had beautiful skin for a 96 year old. 

   What I love it for?

  • Petroleum Jelly is great for chapped lips. It’s amazing! I use it as my lip-gloss/moisturizer. 
  • Occasionally for my eye make-up remover.  Some women swear that putting Petroleum Jelly on their eyelashes  every night has thickened and lengthened the hairs. However, this has not been proven. I think it’s worth a try! 
  • Great for excessively dry hands and feet.

Olive Oil: Olive Oil is 100% all natural.  Its derived from olives (go figure).  Olive Oil is chalk full of antioxidants and fatty acids.  Olive Oil has great potential for stimulating healthy skin, nail and hair growth.  Olive Oil can reep benefits taken internally and externally

    What I use it for: 

  • My favorite moisturizer EVER! It keeps my skin glowing and the high amounts of vitamin E helps reduce the appearance of scars. 
  • I use this baby as my daily eye make-up remover.  It works better than Petroleum Jelly. A small bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil costs about the same price as make-up remover at the super market.

Baking Soda: 

    What I use it for: 

  • I love to use baking soda to gently whiten my teeth.  I don’t trust whitening strips.  I’m scared the harsh bleaches would strip my teeth of my lovely enamel. It might take a little longer for the results but the benefits I get is worth the nasty taste and the wait.  
  • A Facial Exfoliate.  I wet the tiny granules and massage it on my face in a circular motion. Baking soda helps prevent certain causes of acne. 

Hope you love them as much as I do 😉


Got Freckles?

Freckles are just spots on your skin. They are similar to moles but different. They usually fade in adulthood.

For more helpful reading visit:

Getting Rid of Freckles:

First, see a doctor. Don’t always rely on “arbitrary” websites. However, out of your options there is lazer removal, cryogenic freezing of freckles, over the counter bleaching products. If you don’t want to mess around with sugery and potentially harmful ways just stick to covering them up with make-up.


  • Freckles are more obvious if you have a tan. Wear sunscreen when you go outside.
  • Apply lemon juice on your face for 15 minutes and wash off. Do this 2 times a day for better results. Lemon juice can make you more sensitive to sunlight so be warned!
  • Rinse your face with sour milk or apply sour cream to your face for 15 minutes and rinse.

Cellulite – The Dimples of Doom

Don’t worry ladies because you are not the only one suffering from cellulite. About 98% of woman around the world have it. Yes, its not the most attractive and can be frustrating… that is why I’m writing this post!

Why do I have it?

There are a couple of reasons why you may have cellulite.

1) You might be over-weight. Its not the most comforting thing to here but you might just be over-weight.

2) You might need to tweak your diet slightly. You may be eating a perfectly healthy diet. However, foods that are high in sugars like juices, soda-pop (this is not a healthy drink at all), etc might be the problem.

3) Older age. When you start aging things just start to sag. 

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is when fat in your body starts to become uneven.

For more reading visit:

How can I reduce my cellulite?

1) Lose Weight in general. Losing weight doesn’t just help you get rid of those “dimples of doom” it also give you a better and healthier lifestyle. 

2) Try rubbing brewed coffee grounds onto the dimply places. Do it for a week in the morning when you wake up and in the evening when you go to sleep. You should receive results. 

3) Try Goodbye Cellulite by Nivea.

4) If those aren’t working go to your local dermatologist. The options up above will be your cheapest ways. Going to a dermatologist can get expensive. Their methods will probably work great but there are always risks. Try to avoid surgery at all costs. 

You might want to consult yourself and see how much getting rid of cellulite is to you and then move on from there.
