Sally Hanson’s Creme Hair Remover

41ctg5unyl_sl500_aa280_I loathe this product! It It is absolutely awful. First of all, It is a chemical that you put near your mouth, and it basically fries you hair.  The idea of hair remover creme just sort of makes me weary.  For all we know, it could cause cancer.  This product hasn’t been on the market that long… maybe I’m just paranoid. Secondly, um, it did not do nice things to the skin. The product feels funny, slightly irritating and if you don’t keep it on long enough, it does not disintegrate all of the hairs.  Do you know how annoying that is? Well, you can’t reapply this special creme until after 24 hours of the first application.  If you don’t then the product will break up the skin. Thirdly, it can make it look like you’re a teenage guy just learning how to shave.  Waxing is a lot more effective, ladies.  


Take it from somebody with personal experience folks! If you try this product then be responsible and read all of the directions.  
